Thanks to Republican Anti-Vaxxers, the U.S. may never reach COVID-19 herd immunity.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, given Donald Trump’s refusal to get his own shot in public, and to do the absolute bare minimum when it comes to convincing his base of the importance of getting vaccinated, “vaccine hesitancy“ among Republicans is raging. According to a Monmouth University poll conducted between April 8 and April 12, 43% of GOP respondents said they’ll never get the coronavirus vaccine (versus just 5% of Democrats). In a Quinnipiac University poll, 45% of Republicans said they “don’t plan” on getting the shot. Overall, states that voted for Trump in 2020 are lagging behind those that went for Biden when it comes to vaccinations.
Disturbingly, the focus group revealed that many people refusing to get vaccinated would use a fake vaccination card claiming they had received their shots. “One-thousand percent,” one woman said. “If I have a fake vaccine card, yeah, I can go anywhere,” said one man. Other participants said they‘d use a fake vaccination card to go on trips and attend concerts. Federal officials have warned that they will prosecute Americans who make, sell, or use falsified cards, and noted that the use of such documents could prolong the pandemic by letting unvaccinated people continue to spread the highly contagious virus.
What did everything that Trump did during the last few years have in common? Division. He was divisive on purpose.
What do Russia and China want? Disunion in the US.
He did more damage than 50 years of Cold War with Russia, and 20 years of economic war with China.
It's like a religion with those people. Seriously, between Trumpism, antivaxxers, climate deniers, etc, we might be witnessing the birth of a new and crazier sect of Christianity.
They can't be persuaded with facts, because it isn't about that. It's about belief.
Dan Olson of Folding Ideas infiltrated the Flat Earth movement and detailed to them an experiment he'd personally done to measure the curve of the earth (under the guise of being a true believer). They tried to counter all his points, but he had controlled for all their explanations. Eventually they told him, "Well, you must have done SOMETHING wrong, you need to go home and pray about it."
They literally told him to pray the curve away.
Trump-Appointed Watchdog Finds His Admin. Cheated Puerto Rico on Hurricane Relief, Tried To Hide It
Trump committed genocide on his own people. Twice, at least.
Let the wildfires in California on federal land burn. Refused to let Bahamanians shelter in the US after Hurricane Dorian sat on the islands as a Cat 4 for 24 hours. Tried to withhold Michigan federal disaster relief in exchange for the governor taking a stance against mail-in ballots. Deported sanctuary seekers and other imigrants to places where they were murdered, deported unaccompanied African/Jamaican children to Mexico without Mexico knowing about it. Stop count of ICE deaths. Stopped count of drone deaths. Killed Iranian general (war crime.) Abandoned the Kurds. The coal ash pollution. The delay of medications sent by mail. The VA overseen by three Mar-a-Lago cronies. Stole PPE and ventilators. Sent unusable ventilators to hospitals. Brazilian president visited Mar-a-Lago and his entourage started testing positive for covid after their return. The Capital Gazette mass shooting after all his condemnation of journalists. The coal ash water pollution. The FDA changing the legal level of PFAS allowed in tap water (legal does not mean safe.) The FDA regulation rollbacks that led to multiple recalls of leafy greens infected by e.coli which can cause kidney failure and death. Etc. and etc.
The list is pretty damn long, spanning a wide range of different levels.
Many Trump employees got away with power abuses. Mike Pompeo shouldn't be one of them.
Trump DOES have multiple countries with warrants out for his arrest. Iran and Iraq issued one when he authorized an illegal drone strike on an Iranian military official (Soleimani) who was in the Baghdad International Airport, which is the largest airport in Iraq. Iran responded by launching missiles at US bases in Iraq and wounding 110 US soldiers.
Solemani was designated as a terrorist by the US (and nobody else) because he was working for the Iranian government. He was close to the Supreme Leader of Iran, and trained/helped many Iraq and Syrian backed militias that fought groups like the Taliban, ISIS, and occasionally the US and other foreign invaders. A month prior to Trump's attack, a US general was killed by Kata'ib Hezbollah which is an Iranian backed militia that operates in Iraq. They helped the US overthrow Hussein, but are now labeled a terrorist group after the US attacked one of their bases in 2019.
The only reason Biden is now 'pulling out' of Iraq is because of the terroristic actions committed by the Trump admin, which caused the Iraqi government to kick out US troops. Iran passed a unanimous decision to declare the US government a terroristic organization. It is clear these governments were working together and the US was just interfering in that. Trump turned the volume up to 10 though. That's why he has two warrants out for his arrest.