Wednesday, June 30, 2021

When does people understand

 ...that Trump only cares about Trump. 

‘Utterly Deranged’ Trump Has Full Meltdown Over William Barr, Mitch McConnell

"Donald Trump issued a lengthy and rambling statement late Sunday attacking two of his staunchest allies during his one term as president."

Why are there people who continue to work for him? I can't think of anything less appealing than subjecting yourself to a lifetime of utterly unblemished loyalty, or the knowledge that after that loyalty ends, regardless of how long and in-depth your faithful service was, you will be rewarded only with abject scorn from your one-time king and death threats from his millions of adoring supporters. You can't even say money, since Trump stiffs people every chance he gets!

Trump is very close to perfectly terrible. Seriously, it's hard to imagine anyone more greedy, more self-absorbed, more callous, more spiteful, or more unproductive, let alone all of them at once. Trump is far from a genius, stable or otherwise, but he's not a complete moron - that level of intellect, simply by being nonzero, is the only thing keeping him from being a completely worthless or valueless human being.

No matter how loyal a person has been, TRUMP WILL ALWAYS THROW THEM UNDER THE BUS. it's just a matter of time...

Historians rank Trump among worst presidents in US history, new C-SPAN survey shows

"Former President Donald Trump,  a former reality TV star who's famously obsessed with ratings, is unlikely to appreciate C-SPAN's new survey of presidential leadership. Historians who participated in the survey ranked Trump among the worst presidents the country has ever seen.

Out of 44 presidents reviewed for the survey by 142 historians and professional observers of the presidency, Trump landed at 41 — the lowest ranking of any president in the past 150 years. The only presidents who ranked lower than Trump were Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, and James Buchanan.

William Henry Harrison, who died only 32 days into his presidency and had the shortest tenure of any commander-in-chief, ranked just above Trump."

How do you lose to a guy that only served 32 days? Lol. Time to leave Trump in the dustbin of history.

His supporters do not live in reality. They are for the most part brainwashed zombies being prepared to do his bidding. They are utterly convinced they are victims. Remember James Jones. These people have already drank the koolaid. SO hes only worst to those of use who still have the power of independent thought.

Trump's followers do take him literally

"During the 2016 election campaign a new political phenomenon emerged: journalists seemed to take then-candidate Donald Trump literally, but not seriously, while his supporters did the reverse: They took him seriously but not literally."

To be brutally honest, that's the whole M.O. for religious types. This is why Trump switched to running conservative as Facebook provided all the proof in their analytics (via Cambridge Analytica) that these people are receptive to "fantasy".

They have been actively deprived of education, economic opportunity, technology and broadband - and the vacuum has been filled with fascist Christianity and cable propaganda and lies to provoke white rage and violence. The majority of this Republican death cult have been carefully curated over the last 6 decades.

There's a caveat to this. They take him literally when he is saying anything that amounts to affirming the belief they can and should be entitled to do whatever they want at all times. If he says or does anything to the contrary, then they take it with a wink.

We saw this throughout the pandemic. Trump's default position was that it was bullshit and that no one should do anything. That's the part his supporters took to heart. But occasionally he would do something like wearing a mask or otherwise acknowledge reality. Here, his supporters didn't balk or question it they just went 'ahh, very clever, sir, wink wink, carry on'

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Trump siphoning money away from RNC

 Trump's PAC, Save America, is opting supporters into extra 'surprise' donations for his birthday

"Save America, the political action committee (PAC) created by Donald Trump, is urging donors to "surprise" the former president with extra money on his birthday.

When supporters donate via Save America's site, the website automatically ticks a box saying they would like to donate the same amount on Trump's birthday, which is June 14.

For example, if a supporter donates $250, the website automatically opts them in to donating an additional $250 on June 14.

"President Trump's birthday is coming up on June 14th and we want to surprise him with a record breaking fundraising day!" the box reads. "Will you help us?""

More cult behavior from the Trump team. It is all about celebrating and pampering the leader instead of pushing for policies.

The GOP loved to mock Democrats about liking Obama. I don't remember people sending Obama a bunch of money for his birthday.

 The headlines in the subject and just the overall tone of the email seems like they're trying to trick people into donations.. I guess the marketing team figured out that that's what works considering most of their base our old middle American that are the demographic most susceptible to those kinds of email scams..

They talk about fighting and defeating in their emails - but it's always who, not what (except when the "what" is made up, like fighting the fraudulent election.) Democrats talk about fighting inequality, homelessness, low pay, fighting for trans rights, for safe neighborhoods, against pollution, for the planet, etc. Republicans talk about defeating "the left" and "the Democrats."

All from Don Jr or Eric saying how dissapointed they are that one of their top donors (my wife, a staunch leftist) is no longer supporting their effort to stop the evil socialists and their clear cut plan to bring communism to America. Emails are filled with references to "Crazy AOC" and "Sleepy Joe". The addressee is a "true American" and a "patriot" who, if they donate, can enter Trump's inner circle of VIP donors. There's no policy discussed, no plan to stop these so called "socialists". Just 100% scare tactics aiming to empty the pockets of pearl clutchers, old people, and plain ole idiots. It makes me so sad that this is what passes as political campaigning in this country. No surprised, just sad.

By pushing donations through his PAC, Trump is trying to siphon donations away from the Republican National Committee and into his own fund, Insider's Julie Gerstein reported. Neither the Save America PAC nor MAGAPac is directly affiliated with the Republican Party.


Insider's Oma Seddiq reported that there weren't many restrictions on how the donations to the PAC could be spent, so Trump could use the funds for himself, though he can't directly use them for his own future political campaign.

 Trump Casino Dream Dashed in Florida as Doral Votes to Ban Gambling

"Eric Trump has been pushing for the struggling Doral resort to be turned into a casino to boost revenue."

The biggest issue I see for Trump on this is that anyone dumb enough to want to go to a shitty Trump casino in 2021 has no money to begin with. The only people who would want to go are 40 year old unemployed incels living in their parents basements tweaking on meth and Monster energy drinks.

He's not even supposed to be living at Mar a Lago and none of the Palm Beach residents want him staying there as a permanent residence, they recently changed the laws to allow extradition so hopefully they'll forcefully take him up to NY for the Southern District to prosecute him and his children/organization/cohorts. I don't want him down here.

There is ample economic evidence that casinos drain tourism resources in established tourism areas, and they kill small business. Casinos keep the money, they do not spread it around as other businesses do, as they are not symbiotic but parasitic in nature. Finally a little something to be proud of in Florida.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Is Donald Trump ever going to be president again?


In theory, should he set aside the fact that he actually hated being president, and decide to run again in 2024, and should tens of millions of Americans lose their minds and cast their votes for a wannabe dictator who is probably at this moment ranting to a garden hose about how he beat Joe Biden, he could make his way back to the White House in January 2025. Is he going to be president as early as this August? No! Obviously! Why? Well, there’s the minor matter of the fact that Biden‘s first term doesn’t expire for another 1,329 days, making it impossible for Trump to take over any time before then, unless he is planning a coup. Which it sounds like he might be, insomuch as one can plan a coup from the omelet station at Mar-a-Lago.

The 1/6 investigation NEEDS to move forward. Two key answers need to be resolved; firstly, why was the National Guard not called in sooner and what was Trump’s knowledge or involvement in that. This is major, because in The Presidential oath of office they are sworn to protect the country and turning his back on an invasion of the Capital is a high crime. Secondly, was Trump in communication with any of the Militia groups that organized the insurrection? To what degree did he know before hand and how much was he involved in and in contact with militia leaders that tried to overthrow the government??

If there is plans for a future coup attempt and Trump has knowledge of it, it should be added to the other mountain of charges he will be facing and not only should he not be allowed to run for a second term but he should also be charged immediately.

This is the most severe crime a President has ever committed against the Country and it must be addressed. He called down insurrection on Congress, while they were in session, resolving the election.

Frankly what he did or didn't know doesn't really matter. He held a rally and ended that rally calling for them to "correct the mistake" Congress was making. Then 20 minutes layer the people invited to that rally sacked Congress while he stood in the White House and did nothing to defend the Congress. He needs convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison for insurrection and sedition... then put in the darkest solitary hole the Federal prisons have.

Democrats need to hold the budget hostage and threaten to shut the entire country down to make that happen and get another impeachment thru the Senate with UNANIMOUS conviction. It's that serious.

Delusional Former President Is Telling People He Will Be ‘Reinstated’ as President by August, New York Times Journalist Reports

Business Insider notes that MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and other anti-democratic conspiracy theorists have been pushing this wacky Hail Mary “in fringe conservative media for several months. It has no basis under the Constitution or any legitimate legal framework.”

First it was Jan 6th, then Jan 20, then early March, and so on and so on. The never-ending grift.

This is Trump’s call to arms. When the indictments fall around that time, he’ll claim the deep state is stopping him from being reinstated (they won’t care that its not possible no matter if fraud is found or not). From now until August, Trump’s whistles to his base will grow louder and they will in turn become louder themselves and more active.

He’s been relatively silent up until now because there wasn’t anything to gain. Now, with charges looming, a full overthrow of the government is all that will keep him out of prison. This is why this August “deadline” is different than the nonsense dates already past. August will be the GQP’s “Big Show”.

Trump is telling people he thinks he'll be 'reinstated' as president in August, according to a report

Haberman, who broke some of the biggest stories of the Trump administration and has been covering him for decades, added that Trump had been "laser focused" on election audits in states whose results he is still trying to overturn.

The anti-democratic conspiracy theory has been bubbling up in fringe conservative media for several months. It has no basis under the Constitution or any legitimate legal framework.

Expect arbitrary timeline announcements like this for the next few years at a minimum. It helps with fundraising and offers just enough emotional validation for the Q nutjobs that he’ll never risk letting them realize it’s never going to happen.

Once August comes and goes, it’ll shift to January or something. And then May. Then it’ll be, “vote Republican so we can regain control of Congress to impeach Biden and replace him with Trump.”

Then we’ll see what real autocratic demagoguery looks like first-hand. It hasn’t even gotten as spicy as it will yet.

January 6th: Congress was going to magically declare Trump President. Failing that, Pence would use non-existent powers to declare Trump the winner. Then there was that insurrection they had which was totally going to result in Trump remaining in office.

January 20th: Inauguration Day was going to see Biden arrested for crimes and Trump ascending to be sworn in.

March 4th: This time the explanation was a convoluted tale about how the US was "incorporated" and all amendments past the 15th were null and void. Since March 4th was the date some past presidents were sworn in, that was when Trump would be sworn in, breaking up the "illegal US corporation."

March 20th: As March 4th approached and it became clear that it wasn't going to pay off, they quickly switched to March 20th as the date that Trump was definitely, absolutely going to become President again.

And now we're on to August as the "it's real this time" date. It would be laughable if the events of January 6th didn't show how dangerous these groups can be.