Saturday, June 8, 2024

More classified documents found at Mar-A-Lago

Trump's attorneys found classified docs in his bedroom months after raid 

Former President Trump's attorneys found classified documents in his bedroom four months after the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago, per court documents unsealed Tuesday.

The big picture: The revelation comes as part of a newly unsealed opinion that U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell cited last year when she found that prosecutors brought forward sufficient evidence to show Trump mishandled classified documents.

Even More Classified Documents Found After Mar-A-Lago Raid, In Trump’s Bedroom

Former President Donald Trump’s attorneys found more classified documents in his bedroom at Mar-a-Lago, months after the FBI conducted a raid at the Florida club, according to newly unsealed court documents.

The findings were cited in an 87-page opinion by U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell last year, who oversaw a Washington D.C. grand jury in the matter. The FBI raided Trump’s Florida residence in August 2022, after the National Archives had attempted for months to see boxes of classified material returned. Trump’s behavior is the subject of a 40-count federal indictment.

During Trump’s Presidency, many people were convicted and sentenced to prison for the same things that Trump has been charged with – willfully retaining of national defense information and failure to deliver it to the officer or employee entitled to receive it. 

Robert Birchum, 2023 – 29 year veteran of the Air Force.  LTC.  Pled guilty in February for willful retention of national defense information.  He cooperated with investigators and showed remorse.  3 year prison sentence.

Kendra Kingsbury, 2022 – FBI Analyst.  Pled guilty to 2 counts of violating the willful retention of NDI. 386 documents taken over 12 years.  Sentenced to 3 years, 10 months

Jeremy Brown, 2022 – retired Army Special Forces SGT and a member of the Oath Keepers.  Convicted in 2022 for possession of unregistered grenades and guns and for violating thewillful retention of NDI.  Sentenced to 7 years, 3 months in prison total for all infractions.

Ahmedelhadi Yassin Serageldin, 2019 – systems engineer for Raytheon.  Pled guilty to 1 count ofwillful retention of NDI.  570 documents at home.  18 months in prison.

Harold Martin. 2019 - NSA contractor.  Pled guilty to one count of willful retention of NDI.  Sentenced to 9 years in prison.

Weldon Marshall, 2018 – Defense Department contractor.  1 count of willful retention of NDI.  Sentenced to 41 months in prison.

Nghia Pho, 2017 – NSA contractor.  Pled guilty to one count of willful retention of NDI.  Sentenced to 66 months. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

GOPs law and order

GOP's 'law and order' message at odds with their defense of Trump

Republicans have long proclaimed themselves the party of "law and order."

That political philosophy, however, doesn't seem to have extended to the historic criminal trial of Donald Trump that ended this week in a first-ever conviction of a former president -- 34 guilty verdicts handed down by 12 ordinary Americans.

Conservative allies of their party's presumptive presidential nominee didn't miss a beat jumping to his defense, or echoing his denouncement of the case as "rigged."

I am cautiously optimistic this status will have a measurable impact on Trump come election day, but my god the messaging writes itself:

"Convicted felon Donald Trump says he will be tough on crime."

"Donald Trump, convicted of 34 felonies, says he will crack down on illegal activity at the border."

"Donald Trump, found guilty in a court of law on all 34 felony counts, hopes to take the office responsible for 'faithfully executing the law'"

"GOP says they will be the law and order party - nominate convicted felon, adjudicated sexual assaulter and fraud, who is still awaiting 3 criminal trials and 50 felony charges at the state and federal level." 

They know that their voters are really that stupid.

Donald Trump is a decades-long, money-laundering, tax-dodging criminal and Russian asset that never should have been allowed anywhere near the White House, let alone the presidency. And would have already been in prison but for the failure of our national security agencies to hold him accountable. And that was before he sullied the office, continued criming, and then incited a violent insurrection when the country said, ‘You’re fired!’

Kind of ironic from the "facts don't care about your feelings" and "law and order" party. Turns out, they very much care for feelings and not a whole lot about the law.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Donald Trump junior ready bail out to avoid prison time

Donald Trump Jr. Suggests He May Buy a Home in El Salvador to Have a 'Place to Run' to Avoid Prison Time

Donald Trump Jr. suggested he might consider buying property in El Salvador to escape a prison sentence on a recent episode of his "Triggered" podcast.

"They call it a third-world country. Guess what? It looked nicer than a lot of our cities," he claimed. "That's what was perhaps the biggest takeaway. Like, 'Hey man, we're going to El Salvador ... pretty crazy crime rate in the past ... you look around and it looked incredible."

Oh hey that checks the "flight risk" box on the sentencing guidelines cool well done.

That's an immediate call to the bailiff after sentencing.

Figures the cowards would run leaving all the people that have been trying to screw over America to go to prison. Rather they do prison time rather than flee like the cowards they are but as long as we never hear from them again, great! Go! Now! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Lock him up already

Another thing too is that wasn't this the interview that was heavily edited 'cause he said so much unhinged shit that even Fox wouldn't air? The shit he's saying right here is the BEST they got from that interview.

They also will not have him interview live anymore because he's so unhinged.

These are the easiest things to show friends and family to show how easily he lies about literally everything.  Like a 5 year old that has just learned how to lie but not how to come clean.

And if these friends and family can't accept that, then you simply point out that they can't accept reality and that there is nothing you can do for them but that they are choosing to be wrong... Because of Trump.

I love that the people who literally have been chanting “lock her up” for years are now saying he didn’t say it.

Wtf is this timeline we’re living in.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Convicted Felon Donald Trump

Donald Trump had lots of negative opinions about felons. Now he is one.

Donald Trump has spent years complaining that American police and the criminal legal system should be “very much tougher”, arguing that some criminals should not be protected by civil liberties, police should rough up suspects and a much wider range of people should face the death penalty for breaking the law.

Now that the former president has been convicted on 34 felony counts for falsifying business records, Trump is arguing that the US legal system is out of control. “If they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone,” he said on Friday.

Trump said that anyone under federal investigation is ineligible to run for president. Does he have thoughts on convicted felons too?

Are you talking about convicted felon Donald Trump, the felon who is a felon because he was convicted? That convicted felon Donald Trump?

Yep. That Donald Trump who was convicted of 34 felonies.