Friday, August 23, 2024

Bill Clinton serverd 31 years ago as president I am still younger than Convicted Felon Donald Trump


Bill Clinton, 78, Takes Shot at Donald Trump's Age During DNC Speech: 'I'm Still Younger'

Former President Bill Clinton had a memorable moment at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday, Aug. 21, while speaking about Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz's vision for the future — and  Donald Trump's age.

Clinton, who turned 78 on Aug. 19, joked about his own age during his remarks before adding: "The only personal vanity that I want to assert is that I'm still younger than Donald Trump,"

Trump, also 78, was born in June.

Bill Clinton became President over 31 years ago and is younger than Trump.

It is the most eternally funny thing that Trump spent the last years running against Biden as this "strong versus weak" narrative and hid his own age behind the fact that Biden was slightly older, only to have the script flipped and become the oldest candidate in history a few weeks ago. 

Tim Walz could be vice president for 8 years and then be president for 8 years and he’d still be younger than Trump is now.

Pete Buttigieg could serve in a cabinet position for Kamala for 8 years, a Walz cabinet for 8 years, serve the max number of terms as Michigan governor, then run for President and still be younger than Trump is today.

Even Dan Quayle, who was elected Vice President 36 years ago, is still younger than Donald Trump.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Rapist Convicted Felon Donald Trump DOE 174 vs Swifties

Trump’s Bizarre A.I. Stunt to Win Taylor Swift’s Endorsement Backfires

Donald Trump is looking for anything to boost his fortunes as his polls continue to drop, so he’s resorted to using A.I. to claim Taylor Swift and her fans endorsed him.

The former president and convicted felon shared several A.I.-generated photos on Truth Social Sunday, including one showing the pop star dressed like Uncle Sam, pointing forward with the text “Taylor Wants You To Vote For Donald Trump.” The post also included other A.I. photos of women wearing “Swifties for Trump” T-shirts. He captioned the post, “I accept!”

This is just the most pathetic thing I can imagine. It makes him look so much like the weak old man he is. Imagine any other candidate who doesn't have a mindless cult following him doing something like this. Their candidacy would be in the toilet. There's no word for it other than pathetic.

This coming from the guy who claimed Kamala was using AI to lie about her crowd sizes. It’s always projection with Republicans.

Trump shared dubious images purporting to show 'Swifties for Trump,' and some Swifties are furious 

The former president posted "I accept!" on his Truth Social account Sunday alongside four sets of images that mostly showed women in "Swifties for Trump" T-shirts.

One set of images, however, came from a post labeled "satire," and several of the images displayed typical AI markers. Another image showed an Uncle Sam-inspired depiction of Taylor Swift with the words "Taylor wants you to vote for Donald Trump."

Trump's entire campaign revolves around keeping the votes cast in Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, Phoenix and Pittsburg to a minimum. That is literally his path to the White House, low turnout in Urban areas of swing states.

The 18-24 and 24-44 Female Demographic tends to vote at under 50% rate in election years. Any time that number swings above 50%, Republicans lose.

It is an absolute, goddamn genius move for Trump to drag Taylor Swift into the race on the opposite team. Her fan base is fanatic about her, and often ambivalent about politics. Hell, that is even going to impact rural counties, because there are a LOT of 19 and 20 year old girls in Rural America that love Swift and enjoy pissing off their fathers by voting the opposite way. 

This has to be massively illegal right? I mean it's like if Amazon used a pic of Taylor Swift saying "I want you to buy stuff from Amazon!" as a commercial. No difference. 

She'd be able to sue Amazon to hell for that, why would this be any different?

Monday, August 19, 2024

Convicted Felon and Rapist DOE 174 Donald Trump

Donald Trump Leading Kamala Harris by Just One Point With Men

Donald Trump is leading Kamala Harris by just one point among men, according to a new poll.

The survey, conducted by Outward Intelligence between August 11 and 15, shows that 46 percent of men back Trump compared to Harris' 45 percent.

Among women, Harris was 13 points ahead, on 53 percent to Trump's 40 percent.

The poll surveyed 1,858 likely voters and had a margin of error of +/- 2.3 percent.

This is actually incredible because Democrats usually lose men in general by several points because white men vote for the Repub nominee by a wide margin. It generally offsets non-white men voting for the Democratic nominee by a wide margin.

Obama got 45% of men’s votes while Romney got 52% in 2012.

In Obama’s landslide of 2008, he got 49% of men while McCain got 48%. 

The core Trump demographic seems to be men who are in some way insecure, and in a literal and not necessarily pejorative sense. Like blue collar men who are economically insecure, rich men who are insecure about losing their wealth and power, divorced men and incels who are insecure about finding and maintaining relationships.

Rather than becoming more mature about their personal shortcomings or facing the reality of who is actually threatening their stability, they've turned to fantasies of masculine dominance, embodied by a conman whose entire life is bullshit and pageantry.

Fuck all men that think Trump is more capable of running anything better than Harris or even Biden for that matter.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Weird DOE 174 calling kettle


What a weird thing to say.

What else would you expect from a weird person?

Weirdly enough this is how school bullies act when FINALLY questioned.

So he has the maturity of a five year old, the continence of a two year old, and the physical age of way too old to be President.

Who knew calling fascists WEIRD was the tipping point for them losing their shit??? Turns out they want to be normal, but they're just fucking W-E-I-R-D!!!

Harris has also called him a liar, a predator, a cheat, and a fraud. Notice how he and his followers don't take issue with any of those.