Friday, September 27, 2024

Menstrual Surveillance Programs are A-OK

Trump Camp Says State Menstrual Surveillance Programs are A-OK

It’s not enough for many anti-abortion stalwarts to ban the procedure in their state. They want to ban legal drugs designed to induce abortion. They want to surveil and block women traveling to other states to obtain an abortion. One of the most threatening dimensions of these programs is that they threaten to make doctors and other medical professionals — who might give counsel on or simply know about a woman’s plans to obtain an abortion — responsible for reporting her actions. If you visit your OB-GYN and discuss traveling to another state to get an abortion, does your OB have to report you to the local sheriff? It applies to third parties who might assist a woman either in traveling to get an abortion or getting FDA-approved medications to induce an abortion at home. The cases we’ve already seen range the gamut from sheriff’s departments wanting to pull medical and travel records for evidence of pregnancies that ended for unexplained reasons, gaps in menstruation, trips out of state that coincided with a pregnancy not brought to term.

All this from the self proclaimed protector of women.

Imagine raising your daughter in a country where her period is tracked by the government and then she gets shot in school by a gun that isn’t allowed to be tracked by the government. And it’s all because you voted for a reality gameshow host because Russian propaganda agents on your TV told you Haitian drag queens were eating dogs and performing transgender surgery on your kids at school.

2024 America. 

On the one hand, asking people to wear a mask to avoid spreading a deadly disease around is just the worst form of trying to control people, on the other requiring women to report their menstrual cycles so the government can decide if you're hiding a pregnancy is just good policy.

Party of "small government" folks.

Democracy or Gilead: Those are our options.

Vote for democracy. Vote blue

Trump pal approves of 'states that want to set up full menstrual surveillance departments'

During a Wednesday Newsmax interview, the conservative interviewer asked, "[Trump] wouldn't support monitoring pregnancies even if a state decided to do that?"

Miller replied, "Well, he's made it very clear that he's not gonna go and weigh in and try to push various states in how they want to go and set up their particular rules and restrictions. That's gonna be up to the states."

Conservative and Bulwark founder Charlie Sykes replied: "Oh!"

Talking Points Memo founder John Marshall commented: "Trump kingpin Jason Miller gives the thumbs up to states that want to set up full menstrual surveillance departments"

This is the guy who wanted his mistress (AJ delgado) to get an abortion because his wife would be pissed. 

The guy who poisoned his girlfriend in attempt to make her miscarry would be up for attempted murder in some states.

They also want to end no fault divorce. It’s always been about controlling women and minorities.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Senile Lying Convicted Felon Rapist DOE 174 Trump

CNN shows supercut of Trump calling Harris ‘fascist’ – after JD Vance said no one should be using the word

CNN aired a powerful montage of Donald Trump calling Kamala Harris a “fascist” multiple times after his running mate JD Vance blasted Democrats for using the same word to refer to the former president.

The montage began with a snippet from Vance’s Monday speech in Georgia. The Ohio Senator-turned-GOP vice presidential nominee called for Democrats to reduce the “ridiculous and inflammatory political rhetoric” days after an assassination attempt against Trump — the second in a matter of months.

JD Vance is campaigning against himself at this point.

What he meant was; no one ELSE should use the word.

The trump campaign can use all the racist, violent, inflammatory rhetoric they want. But, they are delicate flowers that need to be coddled and enabled at every turn, like giant drunken toddlers. 

It's clear that conservatives think Trump should be able to say whatever he wants, and that his words have no consequences, but Democrats should only say nice things about Trump and the GOP

Actual Video:

Friday, September 20, 2024

Lying Convicted Felon Rapist DOE 174 Trump

 Maybe, just maybe, if someone don't tell lies, they will correct, what? On the other hand if someone is constantly telling lies, they will correct that person, constantly. And there weren't any audience in the debate, so...

Register to vote no fewer than 30 days before the election in which you wish to vote

Check your registration. Some states have purged voter rolls.

If you have questions or want to vote by mail contact your local election officials.

Make a plan for election day: check the location and hours of your polling place and be sure to bring along any required documents.

If you're voting by mail be sure to mail your ballot in ample time.

Lies pour out of his mouth every time he opens it. He's addicted to lying (and probably some sort of simulant). I honestly don't believe he can complete a paragraph without lying.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Rapist Convicted Felon DOE 174 Trump the family value guy

Laura Loomer and Trump Sitting in a Tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

While former president Donald Trump hits the presidential campaign trail, the former first lady has largely been absent. Melania Trump did not attend her husband's criminal trial in New York and only showed up for the final night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee in July.

When Trump and his entourage arrived in Philadelphia for the presidential debate, Melania was nowhere to be seen. Instead, a different woman was spotted disembarking from Trump's private jet: Florida's own far-right provocateur and one-time Republican congressional candidate, Laura Loomer. (She ran for Florida's 21st congressional district, which fittingly includes Mar-a-Lago).

Melania was 34 when she married Trump, she's now 54. Loomer is 31, you can fill in the rest where this is going.

 Laura Loomer continually broke Florida election law by talking to voters within 150 feet of our polling place. She was running for a Congressional district in Palm Beach County (my district) and thought she actually had a chance against Lois Frankel (HA!).

She was walking up and down the line asking people who they are voting for and trying to hype up herself and Trump. I was about the 12th person in line and could hear her making her way to the front to talk to people.

When she got to me I said with gritted teeth under my mask, "Keep moving along, crazy." She said, "I just wanted to talk to you about your choice today." From out of nowhere, and despite living in FL for 8 years, my Midwest came out and busted out a, "Go on. GIT. GIIIT away from me."

She's a parasite.

 Trump gives evasive answer on why far-right activist Laura Loomer has joined his entourage amid Republican warnings

When Donald Trump was asked about the concerns voiced by his Republican colleagues regarding his recent associations with far-right activist Laura Loomer, the former president stumbled to provide a concrete answer, instead calling her a “supporter” five times.

The question comes after Loomer, notorious for pushing outrageous conspiracy theories and racist rhetoric, joined Trump on his plane to Philadelphia ahead of his debate against Kamala Harris on Tuesday. She also attended the 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York — despite previously claiming that the terror attacks were an “inside job.” Their recent associations have prompted a few notable Trump allies to warn that he should distance himself from such a polarizing figure, especially as the election nears.

So Trump implying that Harris slept her way to the top was just projection?

He’s clearly having an affair and the evangelicals will vote for him because he’s such a devout Christian.

$10 that she also has an "unusual" amount of connections to Russia too.

Given the hate she’s getting from the MAGA community I’m surprised no one has started claiming she’s trans yet...

MAGA Is Turning Against Laura Loomer 

Several prominent members of Donald Trump's MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement are urging the former president to cut ties with controversial activist Laura Loomer, with one ally in Congress accusing the former Florida House candidate of making "appalling and extremely racist" remarks.

The anger came after Loomer was pictured with Trump at two 9/11 memorial events on Wednesday after she posted a racially charged diatribe aimed at Vice President Kamala Harris on X, formerly Twitter.

How ‘right’ do you have to be to be criticized by MAGA rightwing idiot MTG?

Loomer has been attached to Trump’s hip lately, and MAGA is blaming her for Trump going on rants at the debate about immigrants eating pets and other weird shit.

So now they are turning in her in hopes that it gets her away from Trump and he can appear “normal” again to non-MAGA voters. 

She's getting bolder and is throwing out more attacks against other people in the GOP, and I this is a better indicator that she's having an affair or similar with Trump than the pictures. Maybe she feels untouchable and is flexing her power as Trump's favorite, picking fights and trying to increase her own influence in the ways conservatives do. She's trying to claim and wield some of Trump's power.

She's nuts and needs to go away. But it's great for popcorn time, watching her thrash around in the body of the GOP like a parasite that made friends with the brain so it won't remove her.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Right wing media is Russian assets

Trump And Musk Lawyer Reminds Any Kremlin-Backed MAGA Assets To Stop Talking Without An Attorney

Like all of us, Harmeet Dhillon, who served as legal advisor to the Trump 2020 campaign and most recently slapped her name on Elon Musk’s dumbest lawsuit, continues to absorb the federal indictment alleging a campaign on the part of Russian intelligence to fund Trump-friendly media and the subsequent charges filed against a former Trump advisor for laundering Russian funds to evade sanctions. Coupled with the potentially unrelated but nonetheless curiously timed memo from the Trump campaign warning everyone to stop talking and special counsel Jack Smith filing an “Ex Parte, In Camera, and Under Seal Notice Regarding Classified Discovery” notice in the insurrection case, everyone in MAGAland is just a little edgy about the bill coming due in the form of criminal liability and denominated in Rubles.

This is how you know Trump is involved.

Turns out those "I'd rather be russian" t-shirts were a heart felt statement of honesty.

Musk Repeatedly Promoted "Conservative" Outlet That Was Secretly Being Funded by Moscow, According to DOJ Indictment

Elon Musk, currently the world's richest person, repeatedly used his influential X platform — which he bought as Twitter in 2022 — to promote posts from a right-wing media company that was allegedly peddling Russian propaganda in exchange for cash from Moscow.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped a bombshell indictment yesterday alleging that the Russian state-owned media organization RT secretly funneled about $10 million into a Tennessee-based media network that produced videos for and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to several right-wing social media influencers with massive digital footprints. The indictment didn't name the American company at the heart of the covert influence campaign, but as multiple outlets have reported, details make it obvious they're talking about a venture called Tenet Media.

And Musk, who has spiraled deeply into conspiratorial, red-pilled far-right politics, has repeatedly engaged with and boosted content published directly by Tenet Media — not to mention countless posts created and published by the influencers who were cashing Tenet paychecks.

Unsealed FBI Doc Exposes Terrifying Depth of Russian Disinfo Scheme

New court documents reveal that Russia is keeping a very, very long list of influencers to spread its propaganda.

90% of it will be the most obvious names you could think of.

This is actually going to help make a lot of confusing things make sense finally. I am totally eager to start getting this shit out in the open. That way, those of us who are actual Americans, invested in the American ideal, who have been scratching our heads at the disingenuous way some online personalities talk and how totally unAmerican it seems for the past decade, now we know we weren't just losing our minds. A huge number of Americans accepted profits from another nation state to sell the rest of us out.

Fuck them. And fuck the blood money they pocketed. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Corrupt and unethical Supreme Justice Thomas directs convicted felon and rapist Trumps lawyers

Trump Lawyer Corrects Self After Saying Clarence Thomas 'Directed' Defense

Donald Trump's defense attorney, John Lauro, quickly corrected himself in court on Thursday after saying Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had "directed" him to challenge special counsel Jack Smith's authority in the election subversion case.

Terminology doesn't matter. You have a sitting Justice giving people advice on how to argue cases that will come before his court. It's extremely unethical.

Are we going to have our first supreme court justice arrested?

Because Clarence the Trump lover probably did direct the defense, Trump lawyers are really a bunch of money grabbing clowns.

The Federalist society member Clarence Thomas used a strategy made by other federalist society members to add details to his ruling he could get federalist society members on Trumps defense to argue a certain way before federalist society member Judge Aileen Cannon. We cannot fix the rot without fixing the federalist society and their criminal scheming.

There’s been every reason to impeach and remove Thomas. What did anyone think he was doing in the background?