Monday, June 13, 2022

DeSantis the ultimate Florida man

 Ron DeSantis Bullied the Special Olympics Into Dropping Its Vaccine Requirement

Florida Gov. Ron Desantis and his administration have used their authority to essentially punish organizations he deems to be insufficiently conservative. One of their latest targets is the Special Olympics. Jay O’Brien of ABC News reported on Friday that the governor threatened to levy an eight-figure fine against the Special Olympics if it didn’t drop its Covid-19 vaccine requirement for its games in Orlando this weekend.

The Special Olympics backed off its vaccine requirement hours later, saying in a statement, “We don’t want to fight. We want to play.”

A letter from the Florida Department of Health dated June 2 threatened to assess the Special Olympics a $27.5 million fine due to “5,500 violations” of state law prohibiting business entities (including charitable organizations) from requiring individuals to show proof of vaccination. The applicable fine per person under this law is $5,000.

Threatening a $27.5 M fine against a non profit organization, yes that qualifies as bullying.

This is just a taste of what he'd do if elected president. He's acting like he was elected dictator of Florida.

He is the face of MAGa America now , and more dangerous than trump since he isn’t an imbecile.

DeSantis vetoes $35M earmarked for Rays facility after team postures on gun violence

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) vetoed $3.1 billion in spending as he signed a $109.9 billion budget Thursday, slashing funds that would have, in part, gone toward a youth sports complex earmarked as a possible spring training facility for the Tampa Bay Rays.

The Republican cited the need to protect the state "against what very well may be a Biden-induced recession" at the signing ceremony. The facility in question, in Pasco County, would have cost $35 million. The veto comes after the Rays published a call to end gun violence in the aftermath of the Texas and New York mass shootings, and a report from OutKick said it learned that the decision was indeed in response to the team "politicizing" the massacres.

DeSantis has been making a habit of "retribution" politics for some time, it is a very grim trend for this nation. Literally the antithesis of a publicly elected official. 

 Using the power of government to punish private businesses for free speech is not even one of those murky~ Constitutional issues where we feel we have to decode the language of the Forefathers to understand their true intent. Yet, the Republican party just quadruples down on doing it.

Seems to me if the state withholds government funds based on people’s beliefs that’s a direct indisputable violation of the first amendment.

"Disturbing" GOP blitz: DeSantis orders trans care ban, Ohio GOP wants genital inspectors in school

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' administration on Thursday moved to ban transition-related care for transgender minors, according to a letter obtained by NBC News.

The Florida Health Department directed the state Board of Medicine, which regulates doctors, to effectively ban certain "pharmaceutical, non-pharmaceutical, and surgical treatments for gender dysphoria" for children and adolescents. The state Agency for Health Care Administrators also issued a 46-page report hours earlier justifying banning Medicaid coverage for transgender youth and adults for puberty blockers, hormone therapies or gender-reassignment surgery.

The moves signaled the latest push in the Republican assault on trans health care and allow DeSantis, a rumored 2024 Republican presidential contender, to ramp up his state's crackdown without having to go through the legislature.

This is so absurd. They want to keep trans people out of the bathrooms of their choice to prevent sexual assault, so in response, they're basically guaranteeing that kids will get sexually assaulted. Good game everyone.

It keeps the focus off Ginni Thomas' treason. 

DeSantis press secretary registers as a foreign agent following DOJ letter

Christina Pushaw, the press secretary for Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis who's known for bashing reporters on Twitter, voluntarily registered as a foreign agent this week after being contacted by the Department of Justice.

This is the shitstain who ignited the recent craze of the right repeatedly regurgitating the term "groomer."

She shat out that little nugget at the beginning of the Disney fiasco, and it was widely mocked. Over the next 3-4 weeks, however, the intended audience for that idiocy slowly picked it up and ran with it.

Now look into those right wing youth leader camps she’s involved in in Arizona. Their website is full of broken English and weird turns of phrases.

Wonder if she ever had contact with the FSB in all that time she spent in the former Soviet Union before one day deciding Ron DeSantis in podunk Tallahassee was her big bright future. Her shit stinks to high heaven. 

White nationalist training for future fascists, I believe.

The entire website seems written in broken English by a non-native speaker.

I am quite surprised how authoritarian one party rule by the minority is being rationalized and accepted

That is a scary rabbithole of "libertarianism".

"Project Arizona" is basically set up by "Liberty International" and "Freedom and Entrepeneurship Foundation". Who both mostly operate in former Soviet states. And talk about wanting to make Poland and Europe "free".

Here are some of their affiliates and partners:

Promethus Foundation - Founded to promote the philosophy of Ayn Rand. They have a venture fund you can apply to.

Goldwater Institute - To quote their website: "The Goldwater Institute is the nation’s preeminent liberty organization scoring real wins for freedom from coast to coast."

Atlas Network - Website seems to be down. But looks like be another "liberty" organization that gives out money.

Foundation for Economic Education - Another "freedom and liberty" foundation

Fun fact: A lot of the partners, affiliates, projects, etc. have eerily similar layouts. Not to mention that the websites for PA, LI and FEF looks to be made by the same person, as it has the same framework in all three and reuses code.

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