Thursday, October 13, 2022

the ruling class is not innocuous

 The public and working classes need to understand, as prior generations did, that the obscene wealth of the ruling class is not innocuous.

I.e., the ruling class is robbing, enslaving, gaslighting, and socially murdering the public and working classes without recourse, using the wealth and power generated from the fruits of humanity's collective labor.

The ruling class use their obscene wealth and power to bludgeon everyone else into "accepting" increasingly awful deals.

Our current political and economic system is an abomination and a crime against humanity.

Currently, 10% of people own between 72-90% of the wealth, and by extension own the other 90% of people with the remaining 10-28% of the wealth.,2022.1

As George Carlin said, you have owners.

In the same way that slaves were kept ignorant and illiterate in order to maintain slavery, the ruling class keeps the working classes and the public wildly ignorant and miseducated in order to maintain capitalism/kleptocracy in its current form.

We do not live in a democracy, we live in an oligarchy/plutocracy/kleptocracy with pseudo-democratic features that legitimize systems of mass human enslavement, abuse, and exploitation for the benefit of the ruling class.

We need to evolve into an actual democracy in the 21st century.

People have been deliberately miseducated about the system we're living under, and it's time to make both our political systems and our economic systems work for everyone and not just the ruling class.

Democracy at Work: Curing Capitalism | Richard Wolff | Talks at Google

Introduction to Marxism

While we're at it, we should shorten the fucking work week so people have the time and energy to do more than be exploited for the profits of the ruling class, AND significantly reduce climate emissions.

As the Federal Reserve attempts to tackle inflation by raising interest rates (payments to those with the most capital) and increasing unemployment, we should all be aware that that is not the only choice available in order to have a sustainable economy with low inflation.

Congress and state legislatures could also increase taxes on the obscenely wealthy, shorten the work week to spread the available work around more sensibly (without the enormous poverty and suffering created by unemployment under this system), implement actual anti-trust laws for the 21st century, create a functional housing system to get rent and housing prices under control, implement universal healthcare to get healthcare costs under control (and save hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives annually), etc.

Both "inflation" and "getting 'inflation' under control" are examples of how the public and working classes are being robbed, enslaved, gaslit, and socially murdered without recourse by the ruling class in broad daylight, with the wealth and power generated from the fruits of humanity's collective labor.

But you won't hear about the actual causes of (or solutions to) "inflation" in most mainstream media, because the ruling class owns or otherwise controls that, too.

Absolute abomination of a system.

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