Friday, January 10, 2025

Legal Bribery

Trump Admin Gave Tariff Exemptions to Companies that Donated to Republicans: Study

US firms may be looking at a specific method by which they can avoid the impact of tariffs levied on major trade partners by the Trump administration: donating to the Republican Party.

With President-elect Donald Trump set to assume office this month, many local companies are preparing themselves for the impact of the 47th president's tariff plan, in which he has promised to levy 25% tariffs on all goods sold to the US from certain countries including Canada and China, and Mexico.

Pay to play. America is entering the next level of corruption.

And I’m sure those companies will still raise prices publicly to “offset the costs of the tariffs” they aren’t paying.

It's the goal. Raise prices to match others and make a profit; pure capitalism.

Need to lower prices? Knowing republicans we will see a push for more "prison labor" aka slaves.

How to get more prisoners? Gather the immigrants knowing they will need to be kept somewhere.

Republicans voted in a president who doesn't support the constitution , thinks a president is immune to the law, and is a sexual predator who props up other sexual predators. There is no low for these people. 

People overlook the rampant "prisoner leasing" occurring nationwide because they're criminals, and even minor crimes in America are enough that the public doesn't care how people are abused in prison & coerced to work with the state taking wages, imposing fees, and threatened with extended sentences for missing work. Alabama got 73% of it's revenue from convict leasing in the 1800s. In past five years, more than 500 businesses have leased incarcerated workers from Alabama, including Best Western, Bama Budweiser, and Burger King. The state has generated more than $250 million from this labor since 2000.

 If people are okay with the slavery forced on incarcerated Americans, they certainly won't have any problems ignoring enslavement of non-Americans in prison. Well, not unless wages were even more depressed by companies easy access to plentiful slaves.

This is Trump’s grift. He doesn’t have to offer anything good to get things in return. He just announces terrible plans, and then exempts people from the effects of those plans if they pay up.

Monday, January 6, 2025

First lady Trump complains about President Musk

Trump Privately Complains About Clingy Elon Musk:

“Trump does complain a bit to people about how Musk is around a lot,” New York Times journalist and “Trump whisperer” Maggie Haberman told tech reporter Kara Swisher during the latest episode of Swisher’s podcast, On.

The end of their friendship is going to be spectacular. 

You just know Elon is going to go scorched earth if their friendship ends.

Elon is pissing off governments around the world...

And Elon has a big fat juicy target for those countries... Tesla.

A 100 % tax on Tesla sales, springing up across the world everywhere, should tank Elon's wealth pretty quickly.

Not to mention how overinflated Tesla's stock is. Once it starts to drop it could drop like a rock. One car company isn't worth all the others combined. That is just ridiculous.

Not strong enough of a man to send him packing, though.

Act then, Donnie. You know, like a MAN. Fire that immigrant husband of yours. Show that you can't be manipulated by the likes of Elon. Bonus - it'll keep everyone else on their toes, and that's what you want too, right?