Saturday, November 26, 2022

MTG on a roll

 Cruel Marjorie Taylor Greene criticizes Joe Biden for condemning gay bar shooting

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is getting blasted online for criticizing President Joe Biden for condemning the mass shooting at a Colorado Springs, Colorado LGBTQ bar.

“Why am I not shocked that you’re downplaying the deaths of LGBTQ people,” University of California, San Francisco Professor Jack Turban asked Greene in response to her macabre tweets.

It's not just her, but the voters who elect her. Ultimately, they're to blame. I'm tired of the "Liberals need to reach out to her voters because they feel "abandoned." Nobody abandoned them, they just put people like her in office.

She's a Christofascist. Let's be honest, though: What she says is how millions of conservatives feel. She is just the latest mouthpiece for Christian hate and oppression.

Don’t know who’s worse, MTG or the people who voted to keep her in office. Absolutely disgusting human beings.

Marjorie Taylor Greene says she isn't afraid of a GOP civil war: 'We're going to fight it out' 

"We're going to fight it out. I'm telling you — I've always said I'm not afraid of the civil war in the GOP. I lean into it," Greene told former Trump adviser Steve Bannon on his "War Room" podcast on Monday.

I don't think this is bad for the GOP as people think. There's no sense of decency left, and their supporters have already tossed aside facts and logic. They've already sold their voters that the other side is for tyranny and destruction. With that combination they have carte blanche to go as far right as possible.

Just look at COVID -- conservatives were/are literally ready to die and ignore the cure for their political beliefs.

So the far right wing of the party winning control, will likely result in just more people following suit. 

That's the GOP for you. Always at war, always on the offensive.

Never at peace.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Uses Gay Club Mass Shooting to Lie About Drugs

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, known for her anti-LGBTQ+ rants and conspiracy theories, has reached perhaps a new low by using the Colorado Springs mass shooting to spread falsehoods about drug trafficking and to, of course, argue against gun control.

“Tragically, 300 Americans die of fentanyl poisoning everyday in America and Biden says and does nothing,” she tweeted Sunday. “Tragically, 5 people were killed in a shooting in Colorado and Biden immediately demands a ban on assault weapons.

However, she ignored the fact that most of the fentanyl sold in the U.S. is sold by citizens. A recent study by the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, reported that 86.3 percent of convicted fentanyl traffickers are U.S. citizens. The study used government data.

Unfathomable cruelty is her whole thing, the novelty has really worn off though. After going after school shooting survivors you can't really go much lower. Short of her pushing kids out of wheelchairs there isn't really anything she can do to out so the awful things she has done in the past. 

If we could get the GOP owned and operated main stream media (Fox, CNN, ABC/NBC/CBS, et al) to stop posting about Greene, Boebert and other extremists, they would fade away.

These extremists say crazy stuff to get attention and then they get in competition to say the craziest stuff. Just stop repeating their posts. They are minor players in a minority party. Nothing they do really affects anything.

Stop promoting them!


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