Friday, March 10, 2023

Fact check: Trump delivers wildly dishonest speech at CPAC

 Fact check: Trump delivers wildly dishonest speech at CPAC

As president, Donald Trump made some of his most thoroughly dishonest speeches at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.

As he embarks on another campaign for the presidency, Trump delivered another CPAC doozy Saturday night.

Trump’s lengthy address to the right-wing gathering in Maryland was filled with wildly inaccurate claims about his own presidency, Joe Biden’s presidency, foreign affairs, crime, elections and other subjects.

Republicans - do you at all see any issues with the fact that you have to lie and create conspiracies to justify your actions?

I’m stuck on him saying we’re going to start building cities on the frontier.

… what frontier is he talking about? There’s no way he thinks there’s just …. Vast unclaimed land out west anymore. 

It’s too bad the cult members will never read this article. Even though it’s right here for all to see.

They might read it, but they just won’t believe the fact checks.

Reality is leftist propaganda.

Here's the fact check. His supporters are too dumb, ignorant, and angry to care about any facts.

Has there ever been a speech Trump gave that wasn’t wildly dishonest?

Despite Republicans cooling on him, CPAC is still the Trump show

Saturday marked the final day of the Conservative Political Action Conference, and former President Donald Trump delivered the closing act.

"Change only happens if we plow fearlessly ahead and declare with one voice that the era of woke and weaponized government is over. That is our task, that is our mission. And this is the turning point and the time for that decision," Trump said, speaking to a crowd of CPAC attendees at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in Maryland. The speech comes more than three months after he announced another bid for president.

It is like a monster that feeds from attention. Stop talking about him.

Many of these 2024 hopefuls are instead attending a weekend event hosted by the conservative economics organization Club For Growth – which notably did not invite Trump. Though the group supported Trump during his 2020 campaign, it publicly split from him during the 2022 midterms when he began endorsing far-right candidates that the organization did not support.

These are the red flags that he hasn't gone away as a threat, and mainstream news media just seems to be willfully downplaying them.

Donald Trump said he won't drop out of the 2024 race even if he is indicted 

Donald Trump, who is waging a third election campaign as he faces a mountain of legal battles and criminal probes, said he would not drop out of the 2024 race if he were indicted.

"I wouldn't even think about leaving," Trump told reporters on Saturday at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland, according to CNN.

"Probably it will enhance my numbers," Trump added, per an ABC News report.

Trump faces several criminal investigations and civil lawsuits as he ramps up his 2024 campaign.

Is this the same Donald Trump that said if he lost the last election we'd never see him again???

Hasn't stopped the Texas AG, Ken Paxton... Why would it slow TFG down. Hell Paxton's been reelected since his indictment, 8 years ago. Fucking hate the "justice" system here.

Well yeah, he desperately needs the campaign donation grift money.

You know that the GOP is begging Trump not to run again. People came out in record numbers in 2020, making Trump the fifth president in the past 100 years to not win reelection. Then they got humiliated in the midterms, where most of the Trump-endorsed candidates lost. The GOP knows that Trump is poison. They know that they can't win with him at the helm. But Trump has officially taken them hostage and is forcing them to stand behind him and only him.

People have said this repeatedly in the past, but it's true now more than ever: The Republican party has lost all control of the monster they created. 

Republicans grapple with how to nominate someone other than Trump in 2024

How to stop Donald Trump is the question lighting up Republican circles as some in the party grapple with what it might take to nominate someone other than former president in 2024.

The disagreement boils down to the other options – and how many of them there should be. Some think a small field with a clear alternative to Trump – perhaps Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis – is how the party can best set a new course. Others maintain that a larger field with more competing ideas is needed to reorient the GOP away from the former president.

A GOP Field Guide to Stopping Donald Trump in 2024

  • Convict him of impeachment for inciting an insurrection.
  • Convict him of impeachment for attempting to extort an ally using U.S. military aid.
  • Impeach him for an inept and catastrophic response to a global pandemic, leading to the deaths of over 1 million Americans, an estimated 400,000+ more than would've died had he not been President.
  • Impeach him for violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution roughly 1,358,738,562,106,389 times.
  • Impeach him for his campaign's ties to a foreign adversary with a clear mission to give him an advantage in the election and/or his extraordinary efforts to obstruct the investigation into that conduct.
  • Withdraw your support after he brags about sexual assault, encourages political violence, mocks the disabled, or disparages any number of minority groups.
  • Turn back 4+ decades of abandonment of the truth and duty to the country in favor of Christian nationalism and white supremacy in the raw pursuit of power.

... Or, run Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo and Ron DeSantis (who is working overtime to fill his fascist bingo card and gaining support with GOP voters along the way) and hope for the best. 

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