Sunday, February 18, 2024

From the President of the United States to shoe salesman is complete.

Trump hawks $399 branded shoes at ‘Sneaker Con,’ a day after a $355 million ruling against him

Trump booed as he hawks $399 ‘Never Surrender’ shoes at Philadelphia Sneaker Con

As he closes in on the Republican presidential nomination, former President Donald Trump made a highly unusual stop Saturday, hawking new Trump-branded sneakers at “Sneaker Con,” a gathering that bills itself as the “The Greatest Sneaker Show on Earth.”

Trump was met with loud boos as well as cheers at the Philadelphia Convention Center as he introduced what he called the first official Trump footwear.

Imagine how apoplectic Rupert Murdoch's empire would be if any other presidential candidate made an appearance at Sneaker "Con."

The former president of the United States is peddling a $400 sneaker, at a sneaker convention, to pay his legal fees. This circus needs to end.

The John Mulaney joke about Trump being a homeless man's vision of a rich person gets more apt every day.

It seems that the desperation of Delinquent Donny’s various absurd schemes to generate cash is becoming increasingly apparent to the general public.

No one but a few people will buy these at full price.

The price will be lowered and lowered until they are something like 60 dollars. Because of their cheap quality and because Trump's base cannot afford it.

They will eventually be found at thrift shops and donation places.

Kanye West will wear them publicly once, causing a very brief resurgence of interest.

They'll be discontinued quietly and join the ranks of failed business ventures like Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Airlines.

In the years to come there will be a few articles about how "Remember when Trump tried to sell $399 golden sneakers?"

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