Sunday, March 3, 2024

Trumps decline is speeding

Trump crowd goes silent as he confuses Biden and Obama again

“I know them both very well and we will restore peace through strength. Get that war settled. It’s a bad war. And Putin has so little respect for Obama that he’s starting to throw around the nuclear word,” Mr Trump added, seemingly in the false belief that Mr Biden’s former boss remains in charge.

He also mistakes million dollar properties for billion dollar ones.

This is the rare election where both candidates have actually served as president, so we can easily compare their accomplishments. Biden passed the largest piece of climate legislation ever. Trump gave massive tax cuts to the wealthy, and used the job to enrich himself aa much as possible. Biden safely landed the economy after the massive inflation caused by the pandemic. Trump told us to inject bleach.

So hard to choose!

They're just rolling with this one like they roll with everything he says. I've seen footage in the past few weeks of Trump supporters insisting Biden is a puppet president being controlled by Obama, who is secretly pushing his agenda behind the scenes. So when Trump calls Biden "Obama," he's just "telling it like it is."

I mean, keep sharing these flubs and mistakes... maybe it will remind independents he's unfit... but the MAGA crowd isn't going to be convinced he's ever said anything wrong in his life.

Donald Trump Mocked for Calling Obama President During Speech 

Ron Filipkowski, the editor-in-chief of the independent news network MeidasTouch, posted on X, formerly Twitter: "This will be yet another one of the 127 other instances where tomorrow Trump will claim he mixed up Obama and Biden again on purpose."

The dude up there mini-stroking his word salad but media has been focused on Biden's age? I feel like I'm the crazy one trying to understand this nonsense

Trump is deteriorating and the news media chooses to only focus on Biden’s age. If Biden made even one mistake like this then we would see non-stop coverage for weeks.

Biden, a man with a speech impediment, makes a single word mixup. The media harps it for weeks, wondering if he has dementia and if he's fit to lead.

Trump makes an uncountable number of word mixups, including inventing bizarre words out of whole cloth, which is an actual sign of dementia. The media ignores specifics, and instead focuses on that we've got two old guys running for president.

The media is a joke. They report on controversy because it gets more views and thus more ad revenue. Most people know Trump is a fucking idiot, there's no money in reporting on that. But going after Biden gets views, so that's what they report. It's sick, they are killing this country with unintentional propaganda by seeking the cheapest dollar. That combined with the actual propaganda from Fox and its ilk gives me very little hope for our society.

Stop calling it a gaffe or mistake. His mind is rotting and losing a linear footing. Happens to most old people. It's why they speak of the past in such detail.

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