Monday, July 1, 2024

Convicted Felon Donald Trump DOE 174

 Trump’s Mental Acuity Has Declined Noticeably in the Last Four Years

You know there might be a problem when even Fox News cuts away from Donald Trump.

That’s according to The New Abnormal co-hosts Danielle Moodie and Andy Levy, who declared that the former president has officially lost it after watching Trump incoherently babble about “washing machines” during a rally in Philadelphia over the weekend.

The criteria for President of the US never used to include deciding whose mental acuity between the candidates is worse. What a state to be in.

Wow the swing machine is in full effect, do we just gaslight Americans now by pretending trump was the deteriorated candidate? 

If the MAGA asshats weren't worried about Biden winning the election after his less than stellar debate performance. Then why are all the right-wing faux journalists calling for him to step down? One debate that didn't go as well as planned is no reason to overlook the years and years of unpatriotic fascist bullshit this orange windbag felon has been ramming down our throats for over 8 years. I'm voting Biden. You know the candidate who didn't lie over 50 times or shit his pants during the debate. 

More Unhinged and Delusional Than Ever, Trump's Mental State Should Be Frontpage News

On Saturday, during a campaign speech in Durham, New Hampshire, Donald Trump invoked Vladimir Putin (of all people) as proof that he’s being persecuted:

“Putin says that Biden’s — and this is a quote — politically motivated persecution of his political rival is very good for Russia, because it shows the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy.”

Some commentators see this and other Trump assertions about being persecuted as calculated efforts to fuel his base.

Someone else pointed out that the media is invested in a horse race, and I think that's exactly right. In 2020, elections cost a total of over $14 billion, almost all to media outlets for advertising. If they acknowledged that Trump is a sick fuck, convicted felon and rapist, probably borderline alzheimers, with no more business running the country than my 86 year old mother has playing offensive tackle for the Bears, then the election would be a non-event, and they'd forego all that sweet sweet advertising revenue.

Everything they can do to play up the drama, the "who's going to win?" the "latest polls say..." is more $$ in their pockets. So, naturally they're going to play up the "is Biden senile?" story and not the "Trump said he talked with Putin about invading Ukraine" story. 

We’re pretty settled into our camps at this point, people who don’t want to live under a fascist dictatorship, and people who think that the fascist dictatorship will benefit them and hurt the people they don’t like. Those people would vote for a turnip for president if that’s what their camp put up, because it’s not really about the person right now.

What were left with is the folks who aren’t quite yet decided. The people who are looking at whats going on and saying the same things that have been said about every other dictator. IE, “yeah, he’s saying some crazy things, but it’s all just rhetoric I think.” As they weigh the wannabe dictator against the other possibility.

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