Saturday, July 13, 2024

Rapist Convicted Felon Donald Trump DOE 174

 Katie Johnson Recalls Trump Raping Her and Taking Her Virginity

Reminder: Trump is a pedophile, rapist, conman, and convicted felon.

The MAGA are having real trouble unseeing this. Their mental gymnastics to rationalize Trump’s pedophile history is Olympic level. And their whataboutism is really pathetic.

Former President Donald Trump finds himself thrust back into the spotlight amidst resurfaced allegations of sexual misconduct involving minors. These accusations stem from a 2016 lawsuit filed by an anonymous plaintiff known as “Katie Johnson,” alleging that Trump and the late Jeffrey Epstein engaged in severe acts of abuse and exploitation.

So many rape accusations. It’s baffling that he keeps dodging accountability.

Anyone who supports Donald Trump is publicly and proudly stating that they approve of pedophilia and rape.

“After Me, Baby, You’re Gonna Be Ruined for Anyone Else”: Donald Trump Refused to Take ‘No’ From Women—And Then From America Itself 

I am the crazy woman. The nutjob. The skank. The slut who won’t shut up. I’m the psycho liar paid by the Democratic Party. I’m the loony who deserves the death threats. I’m the kook who has it coming. I’m so nasty that @BluMrln75 says Trump wouldn’t do me “with Biden’s wiener.” And don’t say you don’t remember me, reader. I’m the batshit flaky bitch who warned you that Trump won’t take “no” for an answer. 

The thing about Trump is that he's so effectively normalized his own sleazy behavior that nobody's shocked by it anymore. 

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