Saturday, December 18, 2021

Trump deliberate undermine COVID-19 response

 The Trump administration made 'deliberate efforts to undermine the nation's coronavirus response for political purposes,' report finds

Trump White House made 'deliberate efforts' to undermine Covid response, report says

Trump sought to 'undermine' COVID-19 response, says panel

A new report from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform — the main investigative body of the House of Representatives — found that the Trump administration undermined the country's COVID-19 pandemic response for political purposes.

Reminder that Trump refused to allow the federal government to buy PPE because blue states were the ones being affected.

Then, the blue states had to bid against each other, driving up the prices.

Then, Trump's administration seized shipments of PPE that the blue states had paid for, didn't pay the blue states for the seized shipments, and instead sold them (making a profit) to red states that supported Trump.

Trump saw COVID as a way to hurt states that didn't vote for him. This, despite the fact that there were Republicans in all of those states and many were dying. He didn't think of himself as President of the United States of America. He was President of the Red States of America. The blue states were to be punished for the "crime" of being blue.

Also remember that back in July 2020 Trump stripped the power to collect and publish Covid figures from the CDC and put the HHS in charge after putting Trump sycophant Michael Caputo in a key position within the HHS. Data would then only be given to the CDC after the HHS had processed it.

It was a very obvious attempt to downplay Covid for the sake of his reputation and mess with the figures and there was a noticeable drop in reported cases after this happened. It was confirmed a couple months later when CDC employees came out saying this was exactly what had happened.

I think that's mostly been forgotten about now amongst all the other shit he did but it's way too important to let it be forgotten. The article doesn't mention it though besides saying CDC briefings were blocked. It was a lot more insidious than that really.

The thing I will never ever get over is the hysteria this man inspires in his cult to almost comical results.

I say almost, because by undermining the pandemic efforts at every step AND peddling the idea the Chinese cooked it up in a lab with malicious intent, he created a vocal minority who believes two opposing things to dangerous effect—that the virus is harmless but also very serious because the Chinese wanted to use it as a bioweapon.

And of course they fail to see the irony that if the stuff about the Chinese is really true, then 2020 was just testing the hypothesis that all it would take to make the US a footnote in world history is enough scientists with a rudimentary understanding of molecular biology to facilitate another pandemic.

2020 proved that significant and vocal minority would HELP THEM DO IT by actively undermining any efforts to stop it. And they’d do it while proudly and unironically calling everyone else pussies and puppets.

Let’s just hope whichever hostile foreign actor or terrorist group who internalized the lesson of Covid-19 doesn’t use something really horrifying like smallpox or weaponized anthrax or plague next time.

Take away politics and ridiculous red state blue state labels- America 🇺🇸 has 50 states.

Chump intentionally caused the spread of disease in America's Largest Population Cities and the World's Greatest Economic Powerhouses such as New York City- his own hometown. It was deliberate and systemic malfeasance. Sociopathic. Craven. Crass.

Why would an American president sabotage America unless he was a Russian Asset? To sabotage our 🇺🇸 economy for the benefit of the Russian oil industry - is the only true answer. There was no other reason to harm Americans. Thusly oil went to Zero dollars per barrel while trump was crying hoax - and it will be gone by last last Easter. He even "saved the day" with his matchmaker deal between Saudi Arabia and Russia- around the time he was Literally Autographing the Dow Jones in the middle of the biggest stock market crash in Capitalist Free Market History.

I could go on and on. The president's Job is to protect interstate commerce. He had #1 job.

If all he did was introduce Americans to Dr Fauci and STFU from there- he would still be president. But he was the first American president to lose jobs in America. AMERICA 🇺🇸! HE LOST TOTAL JOBS IN 🇺🇸

The problem is their plan backfired. They were happy to let people die in urban centers because these people are largely liberals comprised of a high proportion of minorites. So they put out this anti-mask/antivaxx message. Now it's the rural areas being decimated and these are largely white conservatives. For every 1,000 COVID deaths something like 600-750 are conservatives. Now Republicans can't get their voters to mask up or get vaccinated because they're considered traitors to the party if they try.

It'd be funny if it weren't so sad and believe me, it's going to get a lot worse over here.

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