Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Russian Asset Tulsi Gabbard

 Tulsi Gabbard labeled a "Russian asset" for pushing U.S. biolabs in Ukraine claim

"Former Democratic Representative Tulsi Gabbard has been condemned as a "traitor" and accused of being a "Russian asset" for comments her detractors said lent credibility to Kremlin propaganda that U.S.-funded laboratories are working on bio weapons in Ukraine. Gabbard had asserted, accurately, that the U.S. funds bio labs in Ukraine, not bio weapons labs."

Gabbard is an asset. She has a regular rotation on fox news reciting anti Biden, pro Russia talking points, was a headlining speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference (the premier Republican PAC), is repeating pro-kremlin propeganda on a daily basis... it gets worse the more you dig.

People thought Jill Stein was left wing until they realized what was actually going on.

Mitt Romney accuses Tulsi Gabbard of ‘treasonous lies’ that ‘may cost lives’ over Russia’s Ukraine invasion

"Utah Sen Mitt Romney fiercely criticised former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii on Sunday and suggested that her remarks about the existence of so-called “US biolabs” in Ukraine would result in people being killed."

WTF is it with these stooges supporting Putin? Let's get this in plain black and white - Russia is attacking Ukraine, period. Russians are killing Ukrainian civilians, period. Any other bullshit is just that, bullshit and attempts for individuals to get attention at the expense of people getting killed.

Tulsi Gabbard demands Romney resign after calling her a "treasonous liar"

In a series of posts, Gabbard doubled down on her claim and said that Romney should provide proof that it isn't true. She also said that if he can't do so, he should "apologize and resign from the Senate.

I don't know if just saying whatever you want then demanding others to disprove you is a good strategy.

Accused Russian Agent Gave to One Politician: Tulsi Gabbard

"Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii and 2020 presidential dark horse candidate, has long perplexed U.S. officials and observers with her seemingly inexplicable pro-Russian positions. And a new development this week is sure to reinforce the half-jokes that Gabbard is a “Russian asset”; as it turns out, her campaign took money from one."

Conservatives pile on as Tulsi Gabbard named "most influential" spreader of disinformation Rep . Adam Kinzinger has called Gabbard's remarks '' actual Russian propaganda

"Republicans are attacking former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard for spreading "Russian propaganda" after she posted a video claiming that the U.S. is funding and operating bioweapons labs in Ukraine. "

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