Thursday, August 25, 2022

Pot calling kettle black

 Marjorie Taylor Greene says student-loan forgiveness is 'completely unfair' despite the fact her company had loans worth $183,504 forgiven

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene criticized Biden's student-loan-forgiveness plans as "completely unfair," despite records showing that her own company had $183,504 worth of Paycheck Protection Program loans forgiven in 2020.

This is consistent with the conservative mindset.

Biden had a really good response to the criticism in his announcement yesterday. He basically said he wasn’t going to apologize to people who handed the wealthy and corporations 2 trillion dollars in tax cuts. This is the line that Democrats need to be using in their campaigns to counter these ridiculous arguments. Was it fair for Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos to get a giant handout in the form of massive tax breaks? That’s what I’d be asking opponents of the student loan forgiveness

White House trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene for student loan criticism: ‘She had $183k in PPP loans repaid’ 

The White House called out congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene on Thursday, after the Georgia Republican criticised the Biden administration’s student loan debt plan as unfair despite getting more than $183,000 in federal loan forgiveness herself.

Who ever is running the account needs a raise and other democrats need to take note on how to fight these cretins online.

Biden White House pulls a "this you" tweet on Marjorie Taylor Greene's past PPP loan

Republicans who have spent the past 24 hours freaking out over President Joe Biden's announcement of a limited college debt jubilee for some Americans are now being met with receipts of their own hypocrisy. The official White House Twitter account is calling out specific Republican congressmen who saw Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans during the height of the COVID pandemic completely forgiven. 

Also per White House:

To those Republicans in Congress who believe student debt shouldn’t be forgiven: I will never apologize for helping America’s middle class – especially not to the same folks who voted for a $2 trillion tax cut for the wealthy and giant corporations that racked up the deficit.


Dark Brandon brought the receipts baby!

Whole twitter thread is pure gold. 

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