Monday, July 10, 2023

Biggest crybaby snowflake Trump

 Trump Reacts to Being Called a 'Loser' by Fox News Analyst

Former President Donald Trump said that Fox News analyst Brit Hume got it "wrong" when the political commentator said on air that "the case can be made that [Trump's] a loser."

Hume appeared on Fox News' Special Report on Wednesday to discuss the current lineup for the 2024 GOP presidential primary, with host Rich Edson. Preliminary polling has largely given Trump a double-digit lead in the race for the GOP nomination, ahead of Republican leaders like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former Vice President Mike Pence.

Poor baby! Somebody called him what he calls literally everybody else in the world and he snowflakes out.

Maybe Trump could manage to make the conversation about something more than "Grievances against Trump" for once in his East Coast Elitist life? What a tedious POS. 

It's getting to the point that even his base is getting annoyed at it. Every rally you here them saying it's not the same anymore and it's because all he does is rant about his own problems.

And the fact is he IS a LOSER. Lost the popular vote 2 times, failed at a coup, lost the 2022 senate for the GOP, and has lost support continuously for the last 5-8 years depending how you look at it.

But best of all, it throws Trump down in a single TRUE insult instead of wasting all the attention on poor beleaguered Mr billionaire. We can move on from him with no more time than he earnestly deserves. LOSER.

This is why he'll probably be a no-show for the Republican debates. Imagine Trump having to share a stage with 4-6 direct competitors, who know exactly what to say to make him emotional and insecure. He wouldn't want to take the risk to his ego. Of course this presents a problem, for him and the party at large.

If he does go, then the general conservative public for the first time since 2016 sees that they have actual options other than Trump. If he doesn't go, then he looks weaker and even more polarizing to people already iffy on him for not acknowledging that he has to compete for and earn the nomination.

If even one other candidate can manage to present themselves as "like Trump but better" (i.e. more competent) while on the same stage as him, or while calling him too afraid to be on stage with them, then his status as the golden calf of the party will start to crumble.

It’s nice to see that his biggest fear is coming true, people are seeing him and calling out this con man. He’s been a cocktail party joke since the 80’s. It should have stayed that way.

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