Thursday, July 13, 2023

That didn't take long


s a part of a bill critics have dubbed the “Death Star” bill—an expansive law that preempts legislation in eight key areas of local government—the Legislature has overridden local ordinances that require giving workers water breaks. Otherwise known as House Bill 2127, it was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott on June 6.

I realize that OSHA and labor laws in general have become an absolute joke over the past few years, but there's absolutely no way that banning employees from having access to water at work is actually legal.

Do Texans realize their politicians have basically put their population up for sale? Because that's what's happening.

They don’t care as long as they gets lots of guns and no libruls. This is especially true when it comes to the blue collar workers who are impacted by this law. Maybe next time vote on issues other than “don’t California my Texas!” and things might start to improve. 

The irony being that if we california'd their texas, they'd have higher wages, more breaks, union protections, and better schools. they'd be safer, too. You're 25% less likely to be in a mass shooting in CA than in TX.

Republicans want Americans dead. Change my mind.

Republicans want slaves. Death is a byproduct. It'd be a bonus for them if the slaves didn't die due to hazardous and miserable conditions, but it is an acceptable loss - you can always get a new slave.

There's actually only a couple of Texas cities that have the ten minute water break every four hours law. It's not a state-wide rule.

This is the GOP taking away cities' ability to set thier own policies (like a town refusing to prosecute women who have had an abortion, like removing Harris County's ability to oversee thier elections).

But Abbott deserves every bit of bad press he gets.

Before this bill passed, cities could create ordinances/laws that said construction companies with workers working under high heat would have to allow the workers to stop working periodically so they can drink water.

This bill strips the right of the city to make those ordinances.

Lawsuit seeks to end new law signed by Greg Abbott banning water breaks after Texas heat wave deaths

Officials in Houston, Texas, filed a lawsuit on Monday looking to keep the state from enforcing an oppressive law critics have dubbed the "Death Star" bill.

House Bill 2127 is set to go into effect on Sept. 1 after Republican Gov. Greg Abbott signed it into law on June 6, according to MSNBC's "The ReidOut" blog. The new law restricts local governments by preventing them from passing certain ordinances if they contradict state laws in eight key areas: agriculture, finance, business and commerce, insurance, local government, labor, natural resources, property or occupations. 

"Because of HB 2127's vagueness, Houston will not know with any certainty what laws it may enforce, and its residents and businesses will not know with certainty what laws they must obey," the suit reads.

Yes, that is the intent.

The purpose of this is make sure Democratic leaning areas have to check with thier Republican overlords and get thier approval before they can proceed. 

The GOP: We want you to die. No really. Die of overheating, thirst, lack of medical care, and zero work place protections. We’ll replace you with child labor!

The Democrats: Let’s make healthcare slightly more affordable! We don’t hate gays. Women are people.

And yet there is a substantial portion of the population that is convinced the Democratic Party is the demonic one.

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